Northern Star
Dark winter – Light summer
Guide my way
Watch my heart
Lead me home
And when the clouds come
With no line to hold
Have me remember
With conquered fear
The true legend once told
This is the Day
I'm not a soldier
I've never been to war
Though in battle – I stand my ground
I'm a warrior – to the core
One thousand years in occupied country
It's still not yours to give away
So listen up – little King Fly
Who ever you are
What ever you say
I don't want your mercy
Time's up my friend
Live free or die – This is the day
True Norseman – I toe no line!
(unless I want to)
Ancient Claim ᚢᚱᛘᛁᚾᚾᛖᛋ ᚻᛠᚠᛞ Urminnes hävd
Useful for people
Useless for giants
Hail to you who spoke
Hail to you who can
Joy to you who understood
Happiness to you who listened
Háva Mal
– final verse –
Songs of the High One
1. Listen
2. Understand
3. Speak [if you can]
In that order. Otherwise, be silent.
Be a person, not an arrogant 'giant'.
We're all singing the final verse.
There is no middle ground.
Choose wisely,
the days are numbered.
(my interpretation)
»»» songs = psalms «««
Karl Oskar till Kristina:
– Så får jag bli den förste. Nåen måste bli
den förste. I alla företag i världen.
– Å du vill ta på dig ansvaret?
– Jaa. Nåen måste ta ansvaret. I alla värv.
(The Emigrants)
Vilhelm Moberg
ISBN: 9100133183, 9789100133184
Och det var nyttigt för dem att få fara omkring och se hur stora de
var, jordens länder och hav. Därhemma trodde de att Sverige var
hela världen, och därför blev människorna i landet så självgoda.
– Di skulle läsa geografiböcker! Inföll Robert.
Det skulle de göra, istället för att syssla med nästans gärning som inte
angick dem, menade Jonas Petter: Om man därhemma råkade släppa en
morgonfis vid husknuten, så sprang folk omkring med den tills den genljöd
i hela häradet. Men hans far nyttjade en gammal god morgonpsalm:
Lyd Guds bud och stilla vandra!
Sköt dig själv och skit i andra!
(Unto a Good Land)
Vilhelm Moberg
ISBN: 9100133191, 9789100133191
Any society that would give up a little
liberty to gain a little security will
deserve neither and lose both.
Benjamin Franklin
The simple voice of nature and
of reason will say, it is right.
Thomas Paine
It's a common sense thing to seek God's wisdom.
Nayib Bukele
It is in you.
The Light of God.
The Light of Nature.
The Light of Love.
The Light of Compassion.
It is in you.
Charles "Chuck" Reagan Swindoll
There is no instance of a country having
benefited from prolonged warfare.
It is only one who is thoroughly acquainted with the evils of war
that can thoroughly understand the profitable way of carrying it on.
On the Art of War
II. Waging War #6 & 7
Sun Tzu
The general who advances without coveting fame
and retreats without fearing disgrace,
whose only thought is to protect his country
and do good service for his sovereign,
is the jewel of the kingdom.
On the Art of War
X. Terrain #24
Sun Tzu
Anger may in time change to gladness;
vexation may be succeeded by content.
But a kingdom that has once been destroyed
can never come again into being;
nor can the dead ever be brought back to life.
Hence, the enlightened ruler is heedful,
and the good general full of caution.
This is the way to keep a country
at peace and an army intact.
On the Art of War
XII. The Attack by Fire #20, 21 & 22
Sun Tzu
Now, in order to kill the enemy,
our men must be roused to anger;
that there may be advantage from defeating the enemy,
they must have their rewards.
On the Art of War
II. Waging War #16
Sun Tzu
The Sovereign Soul/Grace of God/God Wins
Podcast – Round Table
Brad Wozny, Jim O'Connor, Michael Jaco, Abby Jones,
Derek Johnson, Ricardo Bosi, Chuck Sellers, A.J. Roberts and Mark Bauer,
Thank you for your encouraging words!
July 20, 2024
The most terrifying force of death comes from
the hands of men who wanted to be left alone.
They try, so very hard, to mind their own business
and provide for themselves and those they love.
They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the
force and permanent change of life that will come from it.
They know that the moment they fight back,
their lives as they have lived them, are over.
The moment the men who wanted to be left alone
are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide.
They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when
forced to take up violence, these men who wanted to be left alone, fight
with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives.
They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed
by those who are merely play–acting at politics and terror.
True terror will arrive at these people's door,
and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy
but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the
men who just wanted to be left alone.
The Men Who Wanted To Be Left Alone
may be likened to the bending
of a crossbow;
to the releasing of a trigger.
On the Art of War
V. Energy #15
Sun Tzu
Bright Light
My friend
These words are for you
Behind the line
It's so easy to see
Though lonely as hell
If you want to be free
All my life
Been looking out
In twilight
And Offworld
Keep going
Keep going
Sweet freedom scout
"Sorry, can't help it, I'm a big fan of quotes!"
Poetry Page Retro 2020
For the fun of it, go and see what the
looked like around December, 2020.
There's a little bit more text on that page now,
and I do think the change is pretty cool!
Learn your history, as much as you can. Remember—and be proud of—your heritage;
and if you're unable to trace your history, just go by what's obvious in your heart.