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 Fun Censorship Facts For Cyber smurfs serfs

Online, there's a debate about which country's institution for movie censorship is the oldest in the world,

Sweden (claim: 1911), or Germany (claim: 1906)

Active dates:

 •   Institution for movie censorship, Finland:  1911 – 2001

 •   Institution for movie censorship, Sweden:  1911 – 2011

 •   Institution for theater censorship, Sweden:  1835 – 1872



  1   The act, process, or practice of censoring.

  2   The office or authority of a Roman censor.

  3   Prevention of disturbing or painful thoughts or feelings from reaching
       consciousness, except in a disguised form.

Discontinued Swedish state monopoloy:

 •   Television:  1987

 •   Radio:  1993

Launch of cabel television:  1983

Question:  Before this, how did the Swedish people get their information regarding the outside world?

—   School, Church, Library, Newspaper, Travel, Television, Radio   —

Of course, there are more sources than the above mentioned.



1      : a person who supervises conduct and morals: such as

    a  : an official who examens materials (such as publications or films) for
          objectionable matter.

    b  : an official (as in time of war) who reads communications (such as
          letters) and deletes material considered sensitive or harmful.

2      : one of two magistrates of early Rome acting as census takers,
          assessors, and inspectors of morals and conduct.

3      : a hypothetical psychic agency that represses unacceptable notions
          before they reach consciousness.