Socialist Democrat Monarchy

The Swedish, Danish and Norwegian Truth

The Scandinavian Truth



It's not so much that they are stupid, or not "awake".

So many are—or have been—knowingly loyal to the system, by their own choice, based on free will, for a very long time.

The realization of this is:  Silence, and possibly shame least, that's how it should be.

Come to terms with this, my friends.



"Så 1938 bestämde man att barn från 5 år skulle få vara med,
det skulle gå bra — det visste man genom sagostunderna.
Så från 1938 fick både barn och ungdomar vara med, och det
är också då som Unga örnar blir en barnens "fackförening"
som kämpar för att alla barn skall få ha det bra."

Citat ur [Svenska] Unga örnars historia


"So, in 1938, it was decided that children from five years of age
were to be included, and that would go well — they knew this from
the story time sessions. So, from 1938, both children and adolescents
were included, and it's also at this time that [Unga örnar] becomes a
children's "trade union" that fights for all children's well–being."

Quote from [Swedish] Young Eagles' History

English translation:   machine



Unga örnar (Young Eagles) is one of the youth organizations connected to the Swedish Socialist Democrat party.

An interesting fact (in my opinion) is that [Unga örnar] used to have an official connection to the Boy Scouts of Sweden.

You'll find this concept (political youth organizations) throughout all of Scandinavia. Most political parties embrace this concept.

Coming Soon

"We were brainwashed!"

Most nazis after WW II:  "We were just doing what we were told."

(we were brainwashed we were just following orders)

That is not going to cut it this time around.

socialist democrat monarchy

[monarchist globalist democracy]



ox·y·mo·ron  \



1  a  : a combination of contradictory or incongruous words (such as

          cruel kindness) [or socialist democrat monarchy].

          broadly: something (such as a concept) [socialist democrat monarchy]

          that is made up of contradictory or incongruous elements