Flies, Trolls and Trash

Fifteen Minutes of Fame Insane  –  The Sauna Incident

Stalled police investigation and sudden
restricted access to the sauna in our building.

This is a very personal story

...and you don't have to read this. No one is forcing you.

Campaign 2025

At first, the plan was to print a ton of the below posters and plaster them all over town. However, I've changed my mind since then.

For the fun of it though, I'll let "the posters" remain here.

It's a joke!

The humor right now is exceptional!   👍

Green Apartments

Another thing, and I'm not saying this is for sure, 100%, but still: The "stalled" police investigation is most likely deader than dead at this point.

That's OK.

Part of the bigger  gossip  picture:

About a year or so ago, there were in the local news about 'how property owners of the buildings in this area we live in, have had apartments occupied ["green apartments" sublease] by individuals from criminal networks.'

At the same time—and what's kinda funny—is that through the years, the police [the policy enforcer] have had their employees sublease among the apartments in the buildings in our area.

See the bigger picture, and, be careful, you never really know, who your neighbors really are—not in Twilight Zone.

C a m p a i g n

🌟   🌟   🌟   🌟   🌟

2   0   2   5

Reset Our Sauna  Sandbox  Booking Rules

We Want  Unlimited  ACCESS!

2023  –  current:     LIMITED

1992  –  2023:     UNLIMITED


Freedom for EVERYONE!

Reset NOW!

Democracy is for EVERYONE!






🖕😎 😎👍        

Note:  What makes this interesting—and also a little bit why I bother writing about it here—is that when the woman attacked me, a few seconds before, her eyes flickered and for a brief moment rolled back in her head. That's very interesting, to me.

Also, the fact that the woman in that instant decides to bite.

Now, this is probably not the first time in human history one person bites another, outside of a boxing ring that is, but still. I can see fists, knuckles, headbutts – brawl, and all that. But biting? This was a new one for me.

In a confrontation like the one described here, why would you bite? What's the point? And, after she bit me, the whole thing didn't seem to bother her too much either. Very odd, but, again, very interesting.

Just another experience to archive I guess.

Current Sauna Status:   Unused

    Sauna Booking Rules    



Restricted:   2  Sessions/Week

(regardless if sauna is used or not)


Unlimited  Sessions/Week



1 Session:   2 hours

2 Sessions:   4 hours

July 30, 2023

On January 11, 2023,

I was assaulted—unprovoked—by the woman who is "in charge of the board" (Supervisor) of the building we live in (co–op I believe you call it).

During our brief conversation (about ten minutes), I pointed my finger at her while speaking to her. Believe it or not, she came at me and bit my right index finger. Blood all over the place (the police have the pictures of this). The wound is healed up now, but it was pretty bad at the time.

It set off my PTSD really bad (it began later that evening). The police was informed of this as well.

Really weird situation, but what's not weird in my life? I do like 'positive weird', but not 'negative weird' so much, if you know what I mean.

I/we filed charges immediately.

Not for one moment while all this was happening did I have thoughts about using violence. Not before (I did initiate the conversation), not during, and not even after the woman bit me.

After "the bite", I raised my voice quite a bit and yelled at her for about five minutes. There were people standing around in the immediate area who witnessed this, but, unfortunately, not the actual assault. At this point, I realized it was pointless to continue, so I left, went home and within the hour walked over to the police station to file charges.

In vain, obviously and of course!

Because, here we are, almost seven months later and not a sound from the police woman in charge of the investigation.

This is nothing new for me, or my family. There's a similar fate to my ordeal with the Swedish health care system – Silence.

Part of the longer story is that our mother has been bullied—also unprovoked—by this woman, who assaulted and bit me, for many years. This is part of the reason I moved here a few years back, to be closer to our mother.

Some time prior to this incident, our mother had been accused (falsely) by this same woman for having vandalized the sauna in question. The "damages" found in the sauna were on the railing around the heater that had worn down (naturally) to the point where it finally broke into two pieces.

For info: The sauna, and the building itself, were new back in 1992.

This incident lead to our mother receiving a letter with a threat for eviction.

Our family managed to prove that this woman was lying. She finally wrote to our mother with an "apology". Yet another worthless piece of paper.

It's all arbitrary.

Our mother filed charges with the police about all this, but, again, in vain. The police informed our mother that what this woman had done was bad, but not quite bad enough for it to be considered criminal. The charges were dropped, by the police.

Details to the above stories can be found in the filed police reports.

In addition: Unfortunately, some time ago, access to the sauna in our building—the sauna I've been using to counteract my neuropathic pain—was made restricted, reasons unknown.

The good thing: Yep, there is a good thing to all this. The bullying of our mom has stopped, and hopefully forever   ...the primary concern behind all this anyways.

April 7, 2024

The bullying is, in many ways, continuing, so…

On a serious note:

The message the Swedish police is sending,
by not getting in touch with me/us is:

1.  The Swedish justice system is, at a minimum, two–tierd, one for Malin, and another one for me/us.

2.  In Sweden, you can physically, and/or mentally, harm [perhaps even kill?] another person and get away with it, depending on who you are.

Very irresponsible, but very expected.

May 31, 2024

  •  Short–term, this situation can be very frustrating, to say the least.

  •  Long–term, this situation is   …playing into much bigger things.

Damned if they do, damned if they don't.

Fly On the Wall

From the moment of the crime commited onward,
wouldn't it be cool if one got to listen to, and read,
all the conversations between everyone involved?

Everyone:  This includes the police as well, of course.

You know, once things go digital…

Good thing for everyone that Malin never
locked her jaws and bit my finger clean off!

She—and you—would've caused a major  trauma  drama by now.

Wouldn't you say so, Olivia?


  •  The woman who assaulted and bit me, her name is:   ____ ⌛ ____

  •  The police woman in charge of the investigation, her name is:   ____ ⌛ ____


Olivia  &  Malin M "af Stampen", so the both of you know:

No 'Statute of Limitations' apply.




Elsewhere, this crime is called:

Assault With Intent To Cause Disfigurement




Thank you for taking your time reading this!