"The natural source of secresy is fear."

On the Origin of Freemasonry

Thomas Paine

The origin was questioned in that time, as it was in this time.



With that said, and from my own experience:

The masons I crossed paths with while in America were very kind people, way more good than bad. I cannot say the same for Sweden. In Sweden, my experience is the other way around. A geographic phenomenon perhaps?

So, not everyone is "bad", but also, not so many are "good", sort of like good and bad apples in a basket, if you know what I mean, and this is becoming more and more visible in this time. On that topic, I think it needs to be said, that the same goes for the concept of organized religion.

I'm sure one could argue that both organized religion and freemasonry started out as a "good thought". One could also argue that institutions that claim their knowledge is too complicated—or even dangerous—for "common people" to handle, do this for negative reasons. What is the main reason for withholding information, about anything? Please see the above quote.


Some differences when comparing "times":

  •  What is different in this time, compared to that time, is the light that has been put on the darkness within these organizations.

  •  What almost everyone thought was the "top level", controlling these instituitions, really wasn't.

  •  This does not just concern freemasonry, or organized religion.
There's a whole bunch of other secret clubs out there, far darker than the ones mentioned here.


I agree that sometimes one cannot disclose everything about everything, but not in this case.

Maybe, organically—and in public—clear up where the loyalty goes. That's all!

Things seem also to be a mess in regards to the above—and below—and the one who made the mess, should clean up the mess.

They say that change from within is always the best way, and that humor is a safety valve    ♪ ♫...so is music!   ♫ ♪


Myself, I just don't like secret clubs, regardless, but that's just me.


✨    Change from within    ✨

—   with a little help from without   —

Friendly notice to all "secret clubbers":

Regardless of your degree°

—   or affiliation   —

I am always [with] One above yours.

+ 1

I would like to say this as well:

I believe, that If I've hurt someone with words, I can also reverse a big portion of that hurt with words.

Being honest with an apology, for an example. This goes a long way.

Reversing the damage, if I've hurt someone physically, is a little bit different, and I'm still meditating/pondering on this one.

For one, it's probably not that good to hurt someone physically to begin with. That's a good start!

So, if I have to fight, I choose to fight with words. I try to have a large supply with words, because when the words end—for whatever reason—there's a risk for a "fist fight" [uncertainty], no matter how small.

Rap Music is pretty good with this, I think.

I know, clearing up uncertainty with words, put to music, exist in all genres.

   Word Battles

      Excellent for avoiding fist fights!

      (both real and proverbial ones)

   School Debates

      This is sort of like word battles. Also excellent for avoiding fist fights!

   Free Speech

      Both  Absolute  &  Conditional  Free Speech come into play, here as well.

         –  When does Free Speech become Hate Speech?

         –  The moment you go from Absolute to Conditional Free Speech.

         –  ?!!

         –  You know, when 'the word' isn't Free anymore.

         –  So who decides the definition of 'hate' then?

         –  I don't know, you tell me...


        •    To consider something deliberate.

        •    To engage in argument by discussing opposing points.

        •    To engage in a formal discussion or argument.


        •    A conversation between two or more people.

        •    A discussion of positions, or beliefs, especially between groups
               to resolve a disagreement.

        •    A conversation between characters in a drama or narrative.


        •    The act of communicating; transmission.

        •    The exchange of thoughts, messages, or information,
               as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior.

Now, it's also very good to understand the concept of something that began a long time ago: Anti–liberty

  •  The Long March Through the Institutions

     👉   (so you know, it—the infiltration—began in secret)




Note to self:  Be sure to include humor

♪  ♫  ...and music!    ♫  ♪


✨    Humor   &   Music   =   Safety Valve    ✨


Worry  &  Uncertainty

Sometimes, I'm the world champion in Worry! I always try to see the humor in things though – as much as possible!

Of course, it's always good (really good) to be able to defend oneself in case your opponent's words suddenly stop for some reason, and you realize you've been transferred to Twilight Zone, where uncertainty rules.

Your friendly window to the North
and clear view of the Northern Star.