Something very nice, and positive, about the land area called Sweden,

—   all of Scandinavia actually   —

is the nature. The nature is really magic,
especially during midsummer and midwinter!

Swedish  Trivia 

December 23, 2024

Population [official]:   10 1/2 Million   [8 Million, 1970]

Stockholm:   2.3 Million

Gothenburg:   1 Million

Malmö:   700,000

Foreign Born:   2.2 Million (20%)   [500,000, 1970 (6%)]


~~~     Law     ~~~




Roman  –  Maritime

(whatever—any 'other law', really)

Though, the more Center, the more stabil.


Primum Non Nocere

The last year this oath was used in Sweden:  1887

Removal of oath supported by 'Riksdagen' (Reichstag).

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Gender Neutral Pronouns

The first time a gender neutral pronoun was suggested for use in the Swedish language was in 1966 by Rolf Dunäs in Uppsala Nya Tidning (newspaper).

In 2015, the Swedish gender neutral pronoun 'hen' was introduced in SAOL. Since then, the pronoun 'hen' is officially part of the Swedish language.

Selection of Swedish pronouns:

  •   Han  =  He/Him

  •   Hon  =  She/Her

  •   Dom  =  They/Them

  •   Hen  =  ?

SAOL:  Svenska Akademiens Ordlista

               (Swedish Academy Word Dictonary)

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Removal of Personal Liabilty for Public Servants

In 1975, personal liability for public servants was removed.

Source:  Ämbetsmannareformen, 1975

                  (Public Servant Reform, 1975)

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Swedish Elections

Since 1976, if a non–citizen resides in Sweden legally for three years, he or she is allowed to vote in the following elections: City, County and Church.

The only election a non–citizen is not allowed to vote in, assuming he or she is here legally, is for the 'Reichstag' (general election).

For church elections, the only other requirement: Being a member of the Swedish State Church.



Since 1942, 'pre–voting' is a part of the Swedish election process.


  •   Until 2006:  Swedish Post Office

  •   Since 2006:  The cities of Sweden, collectively.

The Swedish election process also includes voting by mail.

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Swedish State Church/Religion

The Swedish State and Church officially separated in 2000.

Until 1996, if born in Sweden, you were automatically also a member of the Swedish State Church/Religion.

One had to request to be removed as a member of the State Church.

Swedish State Religion/Church  =  Protestant (Lutheran Gospel)

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Digital ID

In Sweden, the use of digital ID (here, it's called 'Bank–ID') began in 2010.

At first, it was only supposed to be used for banking purposes. That slowly changed to how Bank–ID is used in Sweden today.

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Pre–trial Detention

Guilty until proven innocent.

In Sweden, this is standard procedure.

Every once in a while, the UN will criticize Sweden for this, still, nothing has ever changed.

Others, who would criticize Sweden for having this concept of pre–trial detention, call it a hostage situation since you're being detained [punished] before a verdict/judgment.

There is no such thing as posting bail before trial and it's always been like this. Also, Swedish pre–trial detention can last for a very long time.


'Pre–trial detention'  =  Häktning

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Trial & "Jury"

In Sweden, is probably not what you'd think it is.

To be selected for jury duty, you have to be a member of any of the established political parties.

In other words, the outcome of a trial is always based on a decision that has a political component to it.


'Juror'  =  Nämndeman

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Hilda & Rubin

A network started by Anne Ramberg in 2006. At the time, Anne Ramberg was presiding over the Swedish BAR Association.

The Hilda & Rubin network consist of lawyers, judges, police and state administrators (public servants).

One of the requirements a person must meet in order to join, is sharing the network's values.

There are, in my opinion, many interesting current and former members of the Hilda & Rubin network.

  •   Hilda:  The club for women.

  •   Rubin:  The club for men.

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Swedish BAR Association

Svenska advokatsamfundet

[established 1887]


Swedish BAR Association  =  Svenska advokatsamfundet

Question:  The above acronym, 'BAR' [BAR], is assumed being: British Accreditated Registery?

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Swedish Censorship

Active dates:

 •   Institution for movie censorship:  1911 – 2011

 •   Institution for theater censorship:  1835 – 1872

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Swedish Monopoly

Discontinued Swedish state monopoloy:

 •   Television:  1987

 •   Radio:  1993

Launch of cabel television:  1983

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Monarch of Sweden

 •    Carl XVI Gustaf Folke Hubertus Bernadotte

 •    Silvia Sommerlath

 •    1544  –  This year, Swedish monarchy became hereditary.

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Head of State at War

Sweden's current head of state is King Carl XVI Gustaf. He will
be succeeded by Crown Princess Victoria.

If the kingdom is at war, the head of state must by law follow
the government.

If the head of state is in occupied territory or in a place other
than the government, he or she is deemed to be prevented from
fulfilling his or her duties as head of state.

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Flags of Sweden

Swedish State  ~  Uniting Church in Sweden  ~  Church of Sweden



Joint Future Church

Swedish:  Gemensam framtid

Hessians/German Mercenaries

Så blev Småland, Sveriges sista upprorslandskap,
genom tvångsanslutning förenat med Riket.

Och året efter sin seger över smålandsbönderna, 1544,
grundade Gustav Vasa genom Västerås arvförening,
sitt ärftliga konungadöme.

Det nationella svenska konungadömet räddades den gången främst genom
den hjälp som lämnades kungen av 6 000 legosoldater från Tyskland.


So became Småland, Sweden's last rebellion province,
by forced affiliation united with the Reich.

And the year after his victory over the peasants of Småland, in 1544,
founded Gustav Vasa through the Västerås inheritance association,
his hereditary kingdom.

The national Swedish kingdom was saved at that time mainly by
the help provided to the king by 6,000 mercenaries from Germany.

Min Svenska Historia berättad för folket

—    A History of the Swedish People, Vol. I & II    —

Vilhelm Moberg

ISBN:  91–1–773252–2

English translation:  machine

ISBN:  0–8166–4656–2, 0–8166–4657–0

Note:  Many Swedish news outlets do provide domestic news in many languages via their websites. There, visitors and readers are [usually] encouraged to read, comment and ask questions.

They claim to be impartial and neutral with their reporting, and I'm sure are very eager to confirm [or deny] any information coming out of Sweden – if it's true or not.

News outlets:  State media, private media, 'alt–media', alternative alt–media, independent journalists, citizen journalists.