Here's what I think and feel about this:
Your senses
— if you have any —
<!– please, do not disturb the natural flow –>
...lead to your thoughts
...which lead to your feelings
...which lead to your actions
<!– hopefully to many other [good] things as well –>
The order of the above mentioned is not supposed to be disturbed.
<!– nurtured – not disturbed –>
If you do disturb the order
— and its natural flow —
one of the <!– many –> things that starts to occur,
is indifference.
The rest,
<!– lack of empathy, compassion, arrogance—nihilism—et cetera –>
kind of takes care of itself.
Disturbed → More uniformity
Nurtured <!– not disturbed –> → More individuality
👉 Home Assignment: What happens if 'thoughts' and 'feelings' switch
places in the Flow? Is my reasoning wrong? If so, why do you think my
reasoning is wrong?
While at Kent, one of the classes I took was a beginner's course in psychology.
In our text book, on the first page, there was a quote by Adolf Hitler that I think—and feel—is very appropriate to put here. I'm paraphrasing:
"What good fortune, for people with power,
that ordinary people do not think."
Ordinary, Common, Regular, Everyday, Traditional, Normal
I identify myself very much with the above headline.
And, despite how my own life has turned out so far,
the words in the headline pretty much describes the thoughts
I had when I was younger as to how my life would be.
Add to that a person's dreams—which, I think, is normal.
In my case, maybe it was involvment in music or graphic design,
or both [or more], something creative was on my mind,
I remember that—and these dreams is what makes each person unique.
I think that most of us people fall into this 'ordinary' category.
So, if most of us also have 'dreams', then,
most of us are also unique/special.
I think we're all "special", only with different numbers missions.
My opinion