Unless otherwise noted:
Everything that synkrografik.com comprises of is the sole, exclusive and permanent property of Magnus Palmgren and may not be reproduced by any method including screen captures and/or downloads without permission.
On the other hand, it's just a bunch of ones and zeros anyway, and you can quote me on that, if you want. Or not, that's fine too.
If you find any of the information <!– or code –> provided here to be of any worth, feel free to use it.
Views expressed herein are my own. In other words, this is my opinion.
It should be noted as well that I do not have anyone speaking on my behalf, on anything, anywhere, I don't have an ombudsman.
The word ombudsman is Swedish for representative.
Reaching without imposing:
I do not propagate. Since the beginning of this site, I've personally given the web address to only a handful of people, not including my family.
I've also chosen not to keep any visitor's log or site statistics.
Doing this helps me limit and filter all the creative input a little bit.
At this point, I have no idea how many visitors there are to this site, it could be one, it could be a million, or it could be none. So, how you found my site is kind of interesting, from a web point of view.
Trust is earned.
✨ Hope – Faith – Patience ✨
Occasionally, the content and structure of this site will change, so please check back if, or when, time permits.
Any incorrect spelling or grammar [that's not coded] is on Mike and Milton, they're responsible for the QA/QC.
last stealth edit
Life Opportunity
Reality Check
Crimes Against Children