February 12 ✓
[ Swedish Twilight Zone Perspective]
[False Accusations]
[Off Clinic/Humana]
In Swedish news today:
Sjuåring pekades ut som sexförbrytare – tvångsvårdades i flera år
[machine translation]
Social services alleged that Adam was abusing other children and put him in intensive therapy. He was separated from his family and kept away from school for long periods.
Uppdrag Granskning can now reveal how the information that completely contradicted the allegations was concealed by the Social Services.
In the fall of 2018, when Adam was seven years old, his father was accused of sexually abusing him. The information came from his mother after they had been in a custody battle. The police closed the investigation against the father.
But then new allegations were made, this time against the seven–year–old himself. According to the mother, he had raped his three–year–old half–brother—and molested his even younger half–sister.
Social Services found the allegations credible and hired Off Clinic, a child abuse specialist, for a risk assessment. The therapist concluded that Adam had abused his brother and was dangerous to other children. And that he needed to be protected from his father.
Isolated from family and other children.
Despite Adam's denial of the allegations, Social Services isolated him from other children, put him in intensive therapy, and placed him in residential care and family homes for five years.
Off Clinic's investigation was used by Social Services as the basis for several decisions. It has also been used in court in the LVU case.
But large parts have been marked confidential by the Social Services, including Adam's own words have been masked. Therefore, the courts have not been told what he himself said about the abuse.
The accusations had no basis.
Uppdrag Granskning has obtained the unmasked version and can reveal that the Social Services concealed what is contrary to what they have claimed for several years. Adam himself denies the abuse, both that he was abused by his father, and that he himself abused other children. His little brother says that Adam never exposed him. The therapist repeatedly refers to the mother as a source.
It is only when Adam is 11 years old that a social worker starts investigating the case and finds "convincing evidence" that Adam was influenced to say what he said and that there was no evidence of abuse.
– "It's a very complex case and at the same time deeply regrettable. It's about a child in the middle of a dispute between two adults," says Johan Klingborg, Director of Social Services in Helsingborg.
But it is your decisions that have led to this?
– "Based on the information and knowledge available at the time, an assessment was made.
According to the social director, the information has been marked confidential to protect the children.
– There is no self–interest in this.
After Uppdrag Granskning's review, Johan Klingborg, who has been the director for 1.5 years, has decided to have an external investigator look into Adam's case
About the investigation:
Uppdrag Granskning has been in contact with Adam's mother through her lawyer. She states that she has not influenced Adam and that she believes in the abuse based on the assessments made by Social Services and Off Clinic from the beginning. She has today broken contact with Adam.
Adam is now placed in a family home with his aunt, who lives near Adam's father. Only when the father can show how he will protect Adam from the mother's harmful influence, can the LVU end and Adam move home to his father.
Off Clinic/Humana writes in an email that they also decline participation out of concern for the child and that they always base their decisions on evidence and proven methods.
Source: SVT News – Uppdrag Granskning
Uppdrag Granskning: Part of SVT ("controlled" research)
LVU: Swedish: 'Lag om vård av unga' (a Swedish law regarding custody of young people).
My comment: False accusations are rampant in Sweden Twilight Zone. Uppdrag Granskning—and, everyone else—know this.
It's very sad, all I can say is: this is old, this is nothing new.
February 4 ✓
[Swedish Perspective]
[Easy Home Abortions]
In Swedish news today:
Utredning föreslör att hemaborter ska bli lättare.
[machine translation]
The Minister for Health, Acko Ankarberg Johansson (KD), has received special investigator Inga–Maj Andersson's proposal to change the 50–year–old abortion legislation. The inquiry proposes, among other things, that home abortions should be possible in the home.
On Tuesday, Minister for Health Acko Ankarberg Johansson received the final report from the inquiry into changes to the Swedish Abortion Act. The purpose of the report was to review whether the 1975 legislation can be modernized, including how medical abortions can be performed at home.
The report proposes that the requirement for an abortion to be performed in a health care facility be removed. Instead, it should be possible to have an abortion entirely at home, unlike today, when the first tablet given for a medical abortion must be taken in a healthcare facility and the second at home.
– "This means greater flexibility for the person undergoing the abortion and fewer physical visits to a healthcare facility," said special investigator Inga–Maj Andersson, at a press briefing with the Minister for Health.
The right to abortion will be clarified.
It is also proposed to clarify in the law that a pregnant woman always has the right to an abortion up to the end of the 18th week of pregnancy.
– "The right to abortion also includes professional and non–judgmental treatment, and you should also be able to choose the treatment method for abortion," says Andersson.
The investigators also want to see a strengthened responsibility for midwives, where midwives should be able to prescribe abortion drugs, instead of only doctors as today.
– This means that the Abortion Act should not specify any particular professional category that is authorized, but it is knowledge and competence that will determine who does what.
The Medical Products Agency and the National Board of Health and Welfare should therefore, according to the report, be commissioned by the Government to develop regulations on prescribing rights.
Modernized language.
It is also proposed that abortion care should only be provided by health care facilities that are specially adapted for the purpose. There should also be access to doctors with relevant expertise.
Modernization of language is also proposed in the law. The word [havandeskap*] will be replaced by 'pregnancy' and the word 'woman' will be replaced by 'the one who is pregnant'.
Source: SVT News
KD: Christian Democrats (political party)
*Havandeskap: Old–fashioned Swedish word for 'pregnancy'.
Note to self: Be careful and observant when using translating services online. The "machine" takes own initiatives sometimes.
January 24 ✓
[The Depths of Human Depravity]
[Truth: Ritual Abuse, Trauma Beyond Words]
One of the most compelling pieces of evidence comes from a Russian soldier who was part of the task force that liberated one of these hellish complexes in Donetsk.
His account is a chilling reminder of the depths of human depravity: "You know, I thought I'd seen it all. I've been in combat for years, seen comrades fall, dealt with the worst humanity has to offer. But nothing, nothing, could prepare me for what we found in Donetsk.
We were told we'd be liberating children I didn't understand the scale of what that meant until we got there. We were clearing out this complex, a grim place like a gulag or a Nazi death camp, but worse. Much worse. The walls were gray, cold, and damp. The air it stank of decay and something nauseating something I can't describe. And then we found them. The children.
They were like ghosts. Skin and bones. Their bodies, they looked so fragile, almost transparent. I could see the outlines of their ribs, every bone in their tiny hands. They had tubes coming out of them, tubes that drained their blood, their adrenal fluids. for what? For some sick trade, some twisted demand from the West.
There were hundreds of them, just lying there in these rows of metal cots. No blankets, no warmth. They didn't even flinch when we burst in, no fear, no hope Just emptiness in their eyes. Some were too weak to even look at us. They were so used to the pain, the torment, they didn't even react.
And the worst part? The youngest some of them couldn't have been more than 2 years old. Babies, really. We found out later that they were bred for this Raised in captivity, like livestock, just to be drained of everything that made them human.
The ones they couldn't sell, the ones who weren't 'pretty' enough or 'obedient' enough, were sent to these farms. Farms as if that's what you could call those hellholes."
This testimony paints a picture of unimaginable horror, a reality so bleak that it defies belief. But as shocking as this account is, it is just one piece of a much larger puzzle.
They told you this war was about politics and power struggles, but that was the cover. Beneath the surface, a darker war is raging, one fought in shadows. The soldiers who found the children in Donetsk have since gone silent, but some still whisper. Their stories aren't for the faint–hearted. This isn't just war—it's a blood harvest, a horror far beyond what you've been told.
The adrenochrome farms in Ukraine were only the tip of the iceberg. Putin's forces are finding more with each passing day. These "farms" are hidden across Eastern Europe—factories where children are tortured, drained, and discarded like livestock. The soldiers speak of facilities more horrific than the last, each designed to extract the purest adrenochrome through unimaginable pain and fear.
The task force member who spoke out revealed the dark truth: ritual abuse, trauma beyond words. They carve symbols into the walls—symbols tied to ancient, occult practices. These children are bred in darkness, never knowing love, raised solely for sacrifice. The purer the fear, the stronger the yield.
And it's not just Ukraine. Reports suggest the adrenochrome trade is global—secret compounds in South America, hidden facilities in the United States. It's a cancer, shielded by the rich and powerful. Celebrities, politicians, business moguls—all complicit. Their addiction? The blood of the innocent. Their source? Children whose lives are nothing more than currency in this twisted trade.
The Kremlin now holds a blacklist of elites tied to this network, and Putin's forces are preparing to strike. People will disappear. The news will call them accidents, suicides, sudden illnesses, but make no mistake—this is a calculated war on those who thought themselves untouchable.
This is not just a battle for territory; it's a war for humanity's soul. The veil is lifting. The storm is almost here. Prepare yourself. When it hits, the world will never be the same.
Restored Republic Via a GCR, January 24, 2025 (unredacted version)
Note: These quotes are, just quotes. To read all text, I really recommend going to the source.
January 12 ✓
[Swedish Perspective]
[World–Class Education]
[That's how much it costs. – That's how much little you're worth.]
In Swedish news this week:
Kommun betalar 90 000 till mobbad elev.
[machine translation]
The municipality of Lund will pay SEK 90,000 in damages to a pupil who was bullied throughout his secondary school years, writes Sydsvenskan.
The payment comes after the Child and Student Ombudsman (BEO) requested that the municipality compensate the boy.
– "It's nice for my son to know that he has always been right in what he felt. That there is an authority that stands behind him and says that this is not the way to do things, that this is not okay. In that way, it's a victory for us, after all this time," the boy's mother told the newspaper.
The boy, who is now in high school, will receive SEK 60,000 for the offense and SEK 30,000 for pain and suffering.
– "We have decided this because we see that we have failed in the handling of the case. And we strive for a world–class education and a school where you should feel safe," says Viveca S Dahl, head of operations for the primary school in Lund, to the newspaper.
Source: TT via GöteborgsPosten
TT: Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå
BEO: Barn– och elevombudet (Child and Pupil Ombudsman)
Question: Would you have accepted the money?
USD: 1.00
SEK: 11.21
January 9 ✓
Ripping Off Children's Ears For The Greater Glory Of Canada
For years I lived just down the road from where it happened.
The native children were brought into the Nanaimo Indian Hospital by RCMP officers, usually at night. They were locked in padded cells to await assessment. The children whom the doctors figured could endure the experiments were segregated by sex and sent off to the basement laboratories. The others were either trafficked or killed.
The official experiments were conducted by doctors of the Defense Research Board and the United Church of Canada. They involved strapping down children on gurneys in pitch-black cells for months to study the effect of such sensory and motor deprivation: a service performed for the NASA space program.
They also tested a gamut of experimental drugs on the children, including sterilizing agents, on behalf of pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer, Bayer, Eli Lilly, and Glaxo that financially subsidized the Nanaimo Indian Hospital and the United Church.
The unofficial tests were performed by expatriate Nazi scientists operating under Royal Canadian Air Force cover identities, like "Major Bob Armstrong", a former Waffen SS Colonel named Heinz Lehmann (SS Tattoo Number 9370115) who was a protégé of Dr. Josef Mengele. "Armstrong" had pioneered pain threshold and mind control experiments for the US military at the Lincoln Park Airforce Base outside Calgary during the mid–1950's.
These latter, military–funded tests involved slowly torturing children to death with scalpels, blowtorches, chemicals, and radiation and recording the effect on their mental abilities. Very few of the children survived any of these monstrous tortures. Being indigenous, they could disappear without a trace of public concern or legal consequence.
Joan Morris, Esther Morris, and Kenny Quatell were three of those who survived. I spoke with them during 2005 and 2006. "I couldn't have any babies after they tied my tubes," Esther said during our interview. "They did that to all the girls in our group. They had me strapped into a crouching position for weeks at a time. I lost the use of my muscles. It was Doctor Weinrib who did it to me, he was a local Nanaimo doctor. He told me I was performing a patriotic service, that it would help put men on the moon."
Esther's cousin Joan was held in the Nanaimo Indian Hospital for nine years after she was kidnapped from her home on the Songhees native reserve when she was six years old. "They made me and my sister Nancy drink this horrible tasting stuff that made us throw up," Joan remembered. "It was radioactive, I heard from one of the nurses. Nancy died of cancer when she got out of there. I've been sick my whole life from it, and from all the shit they kept shooting into me. Every week they tried out some new drugs on me. That Doctor Schmidt who ran everything, he could barely speak English. He used to boast about how much he was getting paid to kill Indians, blacks and Jews."
Kenny Quatell, a Kwakuitl native from Campbell River, was sterilized at the hospital along with all five of his brothers from Albert Bay, B.C. "We all went under the X–Ray machine. I got burned all over from it and my balls shrunk to nothing. Then they had me in the dark room for so long I can't remember. They'd take me out every so often and give me shocks to my head. But my brothers got it worse. They all got sent downstairs. I could hear them screaming and crying for help. I had to bury them later. I saw what they did to them. They ripped them apart. They were missing their noses and ears and eyes."
The abandoned wooden huts of the Nanaimo Indian Hospital were still standing in the fall of 2004, when my first article on its murderous experiments appeared in The Nav student newspaper at the neighboring Malaspina College (now Vancouver Island University). But the week my article was printed, bulldozers destroyed all the hospital buildings and the site was padlocked shut. That same day, The Nav was pressured to retract my article and all the copies of that issue were seized by campus security.
During the same time, all the records of the Nanaimo Indian Hospital and similar facilities held in the National Archives in Ottawa were officially sealed, closing them to public scrutiny.
Fortunately, copies of their files had been obtained earlier by the sole survivor of the Lincoln Park experiments, Gail Barclay. Gail identified to me the Nazi experimenter "Bob Armstrong" and his pain threshold tortures. She also received confirmation from Canadian military intelligence officers that "Armstrong" and other Nazi doctors had conducted their experiments on children in B.C., Alberta, and three other military hospital facilities across Canada.
Canada's Experimental Torture Killing of Children – YouTube
Early in 2020, as part of the Church–State cover up of medical genocide among Indian children, a 'class action lawsuit' was launched for Nanaimo Indian Hospital survivors by a shadowy law firm in Calgary called the Masuch Group. The only charges made against the government by these lawyers involved "negligence" and "failure of duty of care". No mention was made of torture, medical genocide, Nazi doctors, or murder.
by Kevin Annett
Restored Republic Via a GCR, January 8, 2025 (unredacted version)
Note: These quotes are, just quotes. To read all text, I really recommend going to the source.
January 7 ✓
[Global Murderous Blackmailing Pedophile Network]
[Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)]
[SRA Survivors]
David Rockefeller named as a Top Pedophile in a global murderous blackmailing pedophile network by a surviving 9 year old sex slave victim. Evelyn de Rothschild, Pierre Trudeau, Kurt Georg Kiesinger and Eddy Arnold also named.
In 1972 at 9 years old Anneke Lucas was brought into a Bilderberg Meeting where she was sold to many of these Elite Pedophiles who belonged to this global pedophile network. At another private meeting filled with singers and entertainers she had to have sex with many different men that were there at the time as a child. She also confirms a very famous woman that everyone would know was part of this network, but she will not release the name because no one would believe her.
When she was 9 years old David Rockefeller who is also a Eugenicist took her to several of his homes in the United States and told people that she was his niece from Paris while she was laying in his bed. She also confirms that David Rockefeller trained her to be an elite child sex slave spy in order to get incriminating personal information and blackmail from the men she would have sex with.
She says because of David Rockefeller taking a personal interest in her she no longer became a throw away child. Rockefeller sent her to Pierre Trudeau, (Justin Trudeau's Father) and could not please him because as she stated he would not be happy unless he could kill her. She gave this incriminating information to David Rockefeller so that he would know what Pierre Trudeau wanted in the future, a child to kill.
As a surviving adult she works with many child sex slave victims and says many people do not know this, but Jeffrey Epstein programmed and trained babies and children of all ages to be sex slaves. She goes on to say that millions of dollars are funded to the media and other sites to cover up this global pedophile network and many parts of the justice system are involved.
She is sharing her traumatic story because this global pedophile network must be exposed and they all must be held accountable. Many in this network are involved in Satanic rituals that often involve children. In the United States alone over 350,000 children have recently gone missing and are unaccounted for. We must defend and protect the innocent children by exposing and dismantling this global elite pedophile network of criminals, child rapists and murderers.
Restored Republic Via a GCR, January 6, 2025 (unredacted version)
John D. Rockefeller helped found the Educational System, co–funded the Federal Reserve with J.P. Morgan and the Rothschilds, funded the United Nations, and helped found the Council On Foreign Relations. The cynical, ungodly, pale–skinned gene manipulating erasist was one of the biggest enemies of the American People, and Humanity. What Rockefeller sowed, is part of what we are fighting today.
Restored Republic Via a GCR, January 7, 2025 (unredacted version)
Note: These quotes are, just quotes. To read all text, I really recommend going to the source.
Nosslo–Grebnellaw Aniluap
👁 👁
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January 6 ✓
[Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)]
[SRA Survivors]
Since Wed. 1 Jan, several reports have been received from Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors both in the US and Europe, that their Deep State Cabal Perpetrators have been in a concentrated effort to kill them.
They belived the targeted attacks were because of their perpetrator's fear of being arrested and thus they wanted to cover up crimes of pedophilia and Child Sacrifice of which the SRA Survivors witnessed as children.
Because of Deep State infiltration into police forces and other legal entities, these brave SRA Survivors have nowhere to turn.
Restored Republic Via a GCR, January 6, 2025 (unredacted version)
Note: These quotes are, just quotes. To read all text, I really recommend going to the source.