What's missing in Sweden?

Why is the press/media in Sweden called the Third Estate, while the same is called the Fourth Estate (branch of government) in the United States?

/just asking  for a friend 

 …friend also wonders:  Why so much use of weasel words (Swedish: "försåtliga referenser"), and why so much being vague with names of perpetrators, locations and victims when reporting on something?

By constantly quoting and interviewing anonymous individuals makes the reporting to never be 100% true; you're merely spreading rumors. Who benefits from this selective "reporting"?

"Any news report is only as credible as its sourcing,
and anonymously sourced reports should
always be treated with a grain of salt."

Joe Saunders

News Outlets

Note:  Many Swedish news outlets do provide domestic news in many languages via their websites. There, visitors and readers are [usually] encouraged to read, comment and ask questions.

They claim to be impartial and neutral with their reporting, and I'm sure are very eager to confirm [or deny] any information coming out of Sweden – if it's true or not.

News outlets:  State media, private media, alt–media, alternative alt–media, independent journalists, citizen journalists.


And, again…

To this day, the topics brought forward here have yet to be addressed on a serious, mature and honest level, anywhere in Sweden. These topics simply don't exist.

Endorsed by:  Thirt33nth Estate™